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BIO tech 2012

A Partnering Event will take place in Japan: a gold mine of bio/pharma-related seeds!

Japanese academia: a gold mine of bio/pharma-related seeds

As represented by prof. Yamanaka widely known for development of iPS cells, the Japanese academia is rich in bio/pharma-related seeds.
Not only drug discovery seeds, various seeds are still hidden in the Japanese academia, such as seeds in early research fields and drug discovery support seeds.
Though the Japanese pharma & bio industry has been said not to be very eager for business-academia collaboration, the situation is fast-changing now. Being at the major turning point toward open innovation, the whole Japanese pharma & bio industry will gather at “BIO tech 2012” for PARTNERING in coming April.

For BIO tech 2012, a large number of pharmaceutical companies have pledged their support as Sponsors – from mega pharmaceuticals like MSD, Roche, sanofi and NOVARTIS to Japanese major pharmaceutical companies as Takeda Pharmaceutical, Astellas Pharma, etc. They are also actively welcoming appointments for on-site meetings at BIO tech 2012, seeking to discover seeds and find partners among the Japanese academia.
Why do they choose BIO tech 2012 as the best platform for partnering? “Academic Forum” held inside it holds the key, which will be renewed and almost double its scale from the previous time.

What is Academic Forum?

Renewed as a platform for “business-academia collaboration”, it attracts a large number of presenters from universities and research institutes, who will disclose their latest research achievements here.
The themes cover 11 fields, from [Drug Discovery Seeds], drug discovery support seeds as [Drug Discovery Tools] & [Research Tools] to hot topics like [Tissue Engineering], [Cancer], [Immunology/Vaccine], etc.

Presentation Title / Presenters (excerpt from 300* sessions)

- Anti-inflammatory protein Thioredoxin Hybrid Translational Research

KYOTO UNIVERSITY, Institute for Virus Research, Prof.Em / Ewha Womans Univ, WCU_Prof. Dr. Junji Yodoi

- Semiconductor-based biosensing platform for clinical diagnosis and drug discovery

The University of Tokyo, Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor, Dr. Toshiya Sakata

- Application of Neoglycolipids for Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases by Regulating Immune System

RIKEN, Research Center for Allergy and Immunology Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Hiroshi Watarai

Pharma Company Sponsors below and many more will join partnering at BIO tech 2012.

AJINOMOTO PHARMACEUTICALS, Astellas Pharma, AstraZeneca, Chugai Pharmaceutical, DAIICHI SANKYO, Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma, Eli Lilly Japan, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL, KAKEN PHARMACEUTICAL, KYORIN Pharmaceutical, Meiji Seika Pharma, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, NIPPON SHINYAKU, NOVARTIS PHARMA, sanofi-aventis, Takeda Pharmaceutical (as of March 18th, in alphabetical order)

Of course, above sponsors are not the only ones who are eager to find seeds/partners in Japan. Other pharmaceutical companies and investors from over the world will visit BIO tech 2012 seeking for business opportunities (28,000 visitors expected). Considering BIO tech 2012 as the most important platform to explore the Japanese & Asian market, many companies will join Partnering here. By staggering show dates with respect to other bio events in Europe and the US, the 2012 show is expected to gather an increased number of overseas attendees.

About BIO tech 2012 (April 25 – 27, Tokyo Big Sight)

Asia’s largest bio event consisting of Partnering, Conference and Exhibition.
Conference with total 350* sessions & Exhibition gathering 650* exhibitors from around the world are also must-attend events to keep up with the current Asian bio industry. ?*expected?

Foto: © BIO tech

L&M 1 / 2012

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