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Merck Millipore Introduces Unique Lab Water E-Solution: Millitrack® Compliance

Merck Millipore Introduces Unique Lab Water E-Solution: Millitrack® Compliance

possible for Milli-Q® system users

// New software provides audit trail, e-signature, full system control, and account management
// User-friendly, flexible graphical interface provides key water system information

Merck Millipore, the Life Science division of Merck, today announced the introduction of Millitrack® Compliance, a novel e-solution designed to enable regulatory compliance for lab water purification system users.
This unique fully-embedded water purification system software has been developed especially for the pharmaceutical, biotech and contract labs that follow GxP regulations (GLP, GCP or cGMP – U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] regulations), and which are required to conform to FDA Title 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines — or similar requirements set by other global regulatory organizations. Millitrack® Compliance offers users four important key benefits, including full system control, audit trail, electronic signature, and account management.
“Activation of Millitrack® Compliance will allow full Milli-Q® water purification compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 record saving, electronic signature and auditing criteria guidelines,” explains Eric Beguec, Lab Water service and validation product manager. “The software has a user-friendly graphical interface that provides lab personnel with key water system information, either through a point-to-point computer or direct network connection using TCP/IP Ethernet protocol. For even greater flexibility, users can also monitor water system operations at any time through a web browser,” he adds.
“The Lab Water business field recognized early on that there was a strong need among our customers to have access to an electronic data management platform compliant with 21 CFR part 11,” notes Lab Water group product manager, Jean-François Pilette. “We designed Millitrack® Compliance to make lab water system compliance easy for our customers working in regulated environments,” he adds.
To learn how Millitrack® Compliance can make your water purification system 21 CFR part 11-compliant, and for purchasing information, please contact your local Merck Millipore Application Specialist or visit our website for details:

L&M 8 / 2012

Diese Artikel wurden veröffentlicht in Ausgabe L&M 8 / 2012.
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